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Making Room

Warmer weather can spark motivation. When we feel motivated, we have the energy to clean out and make room for new things. Organizing is a great past time as it brightens up a room, feels fresh and clean. When we organize, we unclutter an area right? Uncluttering isn't just about cleaning a room, organizing a closet, a draw; uncluttering can also mean cleaning our mind.

Unclutter negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts, make room for new ideas, new beginnings. When negative thoughts attempt to invade our uncluttered space, replace it with a closed sign with a message of positive thoughts only. The image that we can create in our mind is within our control.

Today, unclutter your mind and make room for only positive thoughts. And remember you are in control of what those thoughts can be! Make room today and begin to unclutter those negative thinking patterns! Many blessings ~~ Cammie

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